Development of Critical Thinking of Rural Population, Pupils and Future Teachers
Implementation period: July 15, 2020 – December 31, 2021
Financing organization: Departamentul de Stat al SUA, Ambasada SUA în Republica Moldova
Project goal: To develop the critical thinking in the Moldovan society in order to diminish the impact of manipulation and disinformation
1. Enhance the citizens' analysis and critical thinking capacity through specific media education activities, including publication and dissemination of media products promoting critical consumption of information in print, online and social media, meetings with media product consumers in all country's regions;
2. Form and develop abilities of critical consumption of information in youth, including pupils, students and future teachers through a creative thematic competition and a thematic camp for upper class students of Moldovan pedagogical colleges.
1. Develop a thematic critical thinking education page and publish it in the print and online media;
2. Publish a STOP FALS! newsletter and disseminate it in rural localities;
3. Organize and hold media education meetings in different regions of the country;
4. Hold a works competition for pupils and students on the topic of the importance of critical thinking;
5. Organize and hold the spring camp "Stopfals_PedCamp" for upper class students of Moldovan pedagogical colleges;
6. Have media education classes organized by the spring camp participants.