General Assembly and President
General Assembly
The General Assembly of Members is the supreme governing body of the Association and is convened periodically in ordinary as well as extraordinary meetings. Ordinary meetings of the General Assembly of Members shall be convened when the interests of the Association so require, but not less frequently than once a year. Extraordinary General Meetings of Members shall be convened at the request of 1/3 (one third) of the members of the Association or at the decision of the Board of Directors.
Powers of the General Assembly:
– adopt and amend the Statutes of the Association,
– determine the main lines of activity of the Association,
– decides on the creation of branches of the Association,
– approves the decisions of the Board of Directors on the admission and/or exclusion of members of the Association,
– elects/appoints and revokes the President and Vice-President of the Association, the members of the Board of Directors, the Censor,
– discusses and approves the reports of the President of the Association and the Censor,
– approves the Rules of Procedure of the Association, as well as other Rules of internal application,
– approves major transactions of the Association,
– cancels the decisions of the Executive Director and those of the Board of Directors without prejudice to the rights of bona fide third parties,
– adopt decisions on the purchase, distribution and disposal of the Association's assets,
– decide on the voluntary reorganisation or liquidation of the Association, its branch, in the manner laid down in the Statutes and in compliance with the law;
– decide on other matters assigned to it by law or the statutes.
The President and Vice-President of API
The President of API is the member of the supreme governing body elected by the General Assembly for a two-year term, with the possibility of being re-elected for a maximum of one further consecutive term. The Vice-President of the Association is the member of the supreme governing body elected by vote of the General Assembly for a term of two years, with the possibility of being re-elected for a maximum of one further consecutive term. The President and Vice-President of the Association are automatically also members of the Board of Directors.
Duties of the President of the Association:
– represent the General Assembly of Members in relation to the other bodies of the Association;
– preside over meetings of the General Assembly of Members;
– pre-approves decisions of the Board of Directors of major importance.
The President and the Vice-President of the Association may be dismissed by a majority vote of the members of the General Assembly. In the absence of the President of the Association or in the event that he/she is unable to perform his/her duties, the Vice-President shall replace the President in the exercise of his/her duties during his/her absence.
At the General Assembly of 25 April 2024, Mr. Mihail Sirkeli, director of the portal (Comrat), was elected as President of API and Mrs. Victoria Popa, founder of the portal, was elected as Vice-President of API.
API Presidents:
25 April 2024 – present – Mihail Sirkeli, director of the portal (Comrat);
2021- 2024 - Elena Cobăsneanu, director of the newspaper "Observatorul de Nord", Soroca;
2020 - 2021 - Eugeniu Rîbca, director of the portal;
2018 - 2020 - Veaceslav Perunov, director of the portal in Balti;
2014 - 2018 - Tudor Iașcenco, director of the weekly newspaper "Cuvântul" in Rezina;
2012 - 2014 - Lucia Jardan (Bacalu), director of the weekly newspaper "Expresul" in Ungheni;
2008 - 2012 - Veaceslav Perunov, director of the weekly newspaper "SP" in Balti;
2006 - 2008 - Ion Mititelu, director of the weekly newspaper "Cuvântul Liber" in Leova;
2004 - 2006 - Elena Cobăsneanu, director of the weekly "Observatorul de Nord" in Soroca;
2000 - 2004 - Ion Ciumeică, editor-in-chief of the weekly "Business Info" in Cimislia;
1999 - 2000 - Vitalie Cazacu, director of the DECA-press news agency;
1997 - 1999 - Tudor Iascenco, director of the weekly newspaper "Cuvântul" in Rezina.