Local communities involved in countering disinformation in Moldova
Period: July 2024 – February 2025
Funded by: Institute for War & Peace Reporting (IWPR)
1. Improving the resilience of the Moldovan public to disinformation and promoting critical thinking through the distribution of information and thematic meetings organized in communities by the collaborators of the STOP FALS Campaign
2. Strengthen the capacity of professionals from different fields to contribute to the fight against misinformation through thematic discussions
3. Combat election misinformation and develop fact-checking journalism by monitoring falsehoods before and during the presidential and EU referendum election campaign
One-day workshop for STOP FALS network`s collaborators
20 meetings with media consumers from rural regions to discuss about disinformation and critical thinking
Four editions of the thematic page "Think critically!" published in 10 independent newspapers with national and regional/local distribution
Four editions of the thematic booklet "Think critically!"
10 meetings with postal workers from different districts to strengthen their knowledge and capacity to counter disinformation
Internships for young people in the framework of Stop False! Program
At least 16 articles produced and published on portal to debunk viral falsehoods in the public space and on communication platforms