Organizing Moldova Media Forum 2020
Implementation period: August 1, 2020 – December 31, 2020
Financing organization: Fundaţia Soros-Moldova
Co-financing: Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (Germany) and DW Akademie (Germany). This event is part of the USAID and UK aid funded project “Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova” (MEDIA-M) and implemented by Internews in Moldova, the Independent Journalism Center and Freedom House, which aims to promote the development of an independent, professional media, and to create a media sector that is more resilient to political and financial pressures. This event is also made possible with the support of the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation and the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Southeast Europe.
Project goal: Assessing the media situation in the Republic of Moldova, of the rights and freedoms of journalists, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and advocacy for further reforms in the media field, within the Media Forum 2020
1. Organizing of the sixth edition of Media Forum in the Republic of Moldova for debate the main problems faced by Moldovan journalistic community, identify on possible solutions to these problems and promote the continuation of media reforms;
2. Assessing the media situation in the Republic of Moldova, of the rights and freedoms of journalists, including in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, and consultation the public policy proposals to support the media in the crisis period;
3. Promoting ethical journalism and consolidating quality journalism by stimulating best practices and professionalizing journalists in thematic workshops with local and foreign experts, but also by the National Prize for Journalistic Ethics and Deontology 2020.
The Media Forum is organized by Moldova Press Council
in partnership with:
Association of Independent Press (API)