Professional Local Media for Quality Content for Citizens
Implementation period: July 1, 2020 - March 31, 2022
Financing organization: Ambasada SUA în Republica Moldova
Project goal: To increase the level of professionalism of Moldovan regional media through innovative trainings and - online tool of media distance learning
1. To continuously evaluate the level of professionalism of 15 local media organizations in the Republic of Moldova before the project beginning and at the end of the activities through 2 intern evaluation reports;
2. To improve the level of journalism professionalism of the 15 regional media organizations by providing professional and comprehensive media training programs based on their training needs;
3. To develop the ability of regional media to create quality multimedia products by organizing learning-by-doing Multimedia Camp;
4. To promote quality media distance learning through professional webinars and consultations provided on the portal
1. Selection of regional media institutions, beneficiaries of the project;
2. Initial evaluation of the professional level in the multimedia field of the selected media organizations and the final evaluation of the results obtained by each institution as a result of the participation in the project;
3. Organizing training programs, in-house consultations and exchange of experience workshops in the field of multimedia (but also on other relevant topics identified in the initial evaluation), which will directly address the needs and challenges faced by selected media organizations;
4. Carrying out an internship program in Chisinau for journalists from local media institutions, as a result of the initial evaluation and the recommendations of experts;
5. Organizing a multimedia camp, where participants will produce multimedia materials assisted by professional trainers;
6. Conducting a series of webinars and practical online consultations on platform, with the participation of experts from Ukraine, Romania, the Baltic States and the Republic of Moldova.
01 February 2021
Dacă în știrile pe care suntem obișnuiți să le citim, privim sau auzim zilnic, jurnaliștii trebuie să ne prezinte informații scurte fără opinia lor, fără multe descrieri și adjective, atunci longread-urile sunt poveștile unde jurnaliștii își pun imaginația la bătaie și povestesc cu lux de amănunte istoriile și experiențele de viață ale unor oameni sau relatează despre problemele societății. Tehnicile de realizare a unui longread au fost studiate de jurnaliștii de la opt redacții regionale la o instruire online, organizată de Asociația Presei Independente (API) la 29 și 30 ianuarie 2021.