Promotion of Integrity in the Public Service and Information about the Candidates with Integrity Issues in the 2020 Presidential Elections and 2021 Local Elections
Implementation period: October 1, 2020 – July 31, 2021
Financing organization: Fundația Soros Moldova
Project goal: Promote the principle of integrity in the public service and monitor the candidates for the 2020 presidential elections and for the 2021 elections to the People’s Assembly in Gagauzia
1. Inform citizens about possible integrity issues of the persons aspiring to public positions by monitoring the candidates in the 2020 presidential elections and in the 2021 elections to the People's Assembly of TAU Gagauzia 2021;
2. Promote the principle of integrity in the public service through media reports on the non-declaration of incomes, interests and incompatibilities of the persons holding public positions;
3. Contribute to the efficiency of the National Integrity Agency (NIA) work and of the control system by monitoring the NIA work and notifying the integrity issues of the persons holding public positions.
1. Monitor the candidates and potential candidates in the presidential elections to be held in November 2020, and develop candidate profiles;
2. Inform publicly about the results of the monitoring of the candidates and potential candidates in the presidential elections, publish their profiles and investigative reports;
3. Create and publish a cycle of materials/profiles, including in Russian, about the candidates and potential candidates in the elections to the People's Assembly of TAU Gagauzia, to take place in early 2021;
4. Carry out and publish on the anti-corruption portal investigative reports, analyses on integrity issues, assets, interests, incompatibilities and undeclared conflicts of interest of the persons holding public positions;
5. Monitor the work of NIA and of the Integrity Council using journalistic methods, produce media reports, and notify the violations found;
6. Advocacy activities to streamline the work of the inspection institutions and debate the current issues of the national integrity system and the work of NIA.